Daily Painting 03.03.18


Oil on board color studies, utilizing thick oil paint, allow for a rich texture to be created through techniques such as brushing and scraping. These small and precious artworks resemble a calm, dark winter scape. Each piece measures 4×4 inches and was created in the year 2018.

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Oil on board color studies, utilizing thick oil paint, allow for a rich texture to be created through techniques such as brushing and scraping. These small and precious artworks resemble a calm, dark winter scape. Each piece measures 4×4 inches and was created in the year 2018.

Oil on board color studies, utilizing thick oil paint, allow for a rich texture to be created through techniques such as brushing and scraping. These small and precious artworks resemble a calm, dark winter scape. Each piece measures 4×4 inches and was created in the year 2018.