Sartell Paper Mill Project 2013 - 2015
The Sartell Paper Mill exploded in 2012, leaving a community built on this industry without a method to mourn the steeple of this 100 year old town. The Paper Mill Project used parts of the mill to create functional objects in Watab Park, the oldest park in the community.
On Memorial Day, 2012, an explosion ripped through the Verso Paper Mill causing the death of one worker and injury to several others. This explosion also led to the permanent closure of the mill. The Sartell Mill Art Project was born out of a desire held by community members to memorialize the plant, its former employees and its importance to Sartell’s history.
The Project has empowered a team of local artists and fabricators to repurpose materials taken from the mill into art pieces. Artists were able to tour the plant during the demolition in order to remove some of the most interesting pieces, including gears, metal pieces and a large part of a metal coal chute. Finished pieces will be installed in Watab Park, Val Smith Park, and at a location near Sartell City Hall.

Make it stand out.
City of Sartell
Northside Welding
Former Mill Workers Alumni
Sartell American Legion
Karel and Mike Helgeson
Xcel Energy
Roland Weis
Lions Club
Community supporters
HBH Consultants
Retired Firefighters of Sartell
Dennis and Rose Molitor
Ryan Fitzthum, CH Robinson
Judy and Michael Murray
Anita Rasmussen
Funded by the Central Minnesota Arts Board
Artistic Team
Heidi Jeub, Artistic Lead
Joe Schulte, Community Leader, Welder, Sartell HS Teacher
Kyle Fokken, Public Artist and Sculptor
Christopher Zlatic, Painter
Joshua Fay, Painter and Sculptor
Process documented by photographers Todd Myra and Bill Jones
Fabrication Team
Bob Craven, Northside Welding
Jacob Smith