09 The Dance | Lucille

An extrovert dancer was trapped. She needed to escape, but the stay at home orders didn’t fit her needs. We connected over Zoom, in April, when both of us struggled not just with our connectivity shortage, but with our creative field going dark. Completely. Dark.

This seeped into our hearts and minds at different moments, grasping at any creative solution we could muster. The sparkle of sequence cannot dazzle without the lights. So what was the point?

We were likely on the edge of depression, but the timeline was a limp thread on the ground of a dance floor… or studio floor. We can’t untangle it now, for the life of us… we just know we struggled through that period.

We look back at that time knowing we were in need of solutions, even when the hustle was paused. She did it. I did it. We made it through the darkness. Oddly enough, we aren’t necessarily back to normal. Far from. We are in a place of new work, new media, because we started to look at the screen in a new way. We are transformed.

We are hope.


08 Calm Uncertainty | Michael