Far Away So Close
Written and painted by Heidi Jeub, Far Away So Close is a series of community conversations with local (Little Falls, Minnesota) individuals that lead to a written/spoken piece, a painting, and a new layer to a relationship.
This project has been made possible through the support of Great River Arts during a time of COVID. www.heidijeub.com/fasc
Far Away / So Close: Old Friends and New
Abstract Discussions Stuck in the Time of Covid and Change
In an unprecedented time of COVID-19, where self-isolation is encouraged, and connection is complex, the task to find new ways to feel our relationships as strong becomes the focus of my work. During the 8 week exhibition at Great River Arts, in Little Falls Minnesota, Heidi Jeub will have open form conversations with friends, old and new, over technology (Zoom or FaceTime), that will inform a (size) painting on repurposed cardboard sheets. Using acrylic paint in a non-representational manner (abstract), the conversation will be captured in line, color, shape, and energy. A written piece will accompany the work to give context to the interaction, not necessarily identifying the person, but potentially personifying the painting with a person in mind. Each painting will be revealed in the gallery over the exhibition period, so that passers by can experience the work as they unfold. A time lapse video will be shared on the GRA website and social media feeds, as well as the accompanying materials. The title, inspired by a foreign film and song from the artists’ personal mixtape, encapsulates the experience of this pandemic period, civic unrest, and inevitable change in our communities. While she is focusing on Little Falls, as part of this exhibit, she is interested in how our relationships are changing as we interact differently. Are we more in tune, or disconnected. Are we less likely to interact freely? Are we more intentional?
These pieces are still available. Acrylic on Repurposed chip board, 44”x 55”h, 2020. ($750 each, framing options available)