It's what I do. I can't help it.
The view of my desk is frightening to some people. ... actually since I have a small desk, so is my floor. It's covered with conference applications, project budgets, illegible post its, a pencil cup with only art markers in it (where my pencils go I do not know, much less a pen that works), and bills that need to get paid. This is a physical desktop, so the computer is another story (6 browser windows, email, messenger, calendar, "Pages", excel and iPhoto are all lit up!)
This is how I roll.
I'm working on streamlining my process, so I can focus on what I love most. I love art making, grant writing and community developing. And with that we have marketing, researching, planning, zoning out and more. Mix a little crazy in there, and we have magic!
I thrive on deadlines, collaborations, deep thoughts and crazy ideas. I surround myself with people smarter than me, but with enough energy to keep up, because life is too short to not put some braun behind the brains.
I used to apologize for this way of working, but I realized that there are plenty of people who genuinely work this hard to do what they love. If they are like me, they aren't doing it for the monetary gain, even though we do have to pay our bills, feed our children, and put a roof over our head. They are doing it because they know that the big picture is one that does not only include us, but our community. That community could be small or big, crazy or sane, chill or chaotic. No matter what, it is ours, and we want to make sure what we do really matters.
Of course I would quote Steve Job's crazy quote, because it was looking me straight in the eye when I heard it first. I have no doubt that I can change the world. We all can. Could you imagine?! (slow nod)
What crazy dream do you have? Is there something on your desk that is reminding you to do something to get closer to it? please share!