Gray and Rainy Days

abstract 2013, heidi jeub

Rainy days are a blessing in my life. I ignore the haters, who think that sunny days are the only place for happiness. I cringe at those who want summer and sunny 365, knowing they are just missing major concepts of "how nature works." Seasons and weather are part of how we live. 

Yesterday, before the rain hit in the middle of the night, my kids and I were all on edge. Whining from the youngest, annoyances from the middle, snapping from the oldest, and reaction from the mama. Not pretty. Granted we have been here before, and know what to do... chill out and look forward to the rain.

So waking up to a steady rain means the whining, annoyances, snapping and reactionary behavior will cease and we will enjoy the day, for the most part.

But rainy days are creative and focused for me. I guess you could say, it reigns me in. 


Nothing but Think


Families and things not going as planned...