While my coffee is brewing...
...I may as well start a blog.
I figured it was time. Really, I don't need to talk about my life any more than I already do, but with the amount of stuff I have going on, I figure it's not a bad idea to record things, so I don't forget.
Also, if I do it while my coffee is brewing in the morning, that won't get in the way of many things, I figure.
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”
As you may already figured out from this site, I paint. I make books. I teach to kids and adults in Minnesota. I have 3 kids of my own. I live near my parents, who are supportive of this arts life in so many ways... but because I'm pretty stubborn, really.
I'm insistent that I make art part of everything I do. I've had jobs that were helpful in the long term (sales, design, nonprofit management), but many times I'd get agitated that I wasn't creating. I was a horrible housewife, but a pretty awesome single mom (insert fist bump here... with explosion). Also, I'm known for being "ridiculously confident," and I'm not sure why.
I get accused of being too busy. I tried to let go of some responsibility but just filled in the gaps with something new. (like a blog). I like to be busy and I like to surround myself with busy people. I like ideas, yes, but action on those ideas is much sexier. I'm not much for reading (a lot... actually I'm a very slow and detailed reader), but I surround myself with smart people... They are like a used bookstore I used to frequent, but I knew I could not read all those fascinating books (future metaphorical post to come...) so I instead, surrounded myself with people of eccentric and creative interests that reflect the books in that bookstore. My busy lifestyle keeps me going. I wake up excited to face the day, after the coffee is in my bloodstream. I love people. I love rural and urban. Introverts and extroverts. Simple and complex.
You will see certain things on this blog, I suppose. Here's a list:
- Musings... because what would an artist blog be without musings.
- Process... because I'm not going to put unfinished work in my final gallery.
- Experiences... man, I live a cool life, and like to share with as many people as I can!
- Reflection on my schooling at the University of Minnesota. I'm studying Arts & Cultural Leadership right now, and I'm loving it!!! I can't help but want to share!
Thanks for checking in, and do something creative today! I think I will... we'll see. -HJ 4.22.14
My son tokened this as a "shoe selfie"... It proves that I was there... per the shoes. @Hillside Studio, 2014